Third international conference on reconstruction of European historical dances 13-20 centuries for the teachers and students of historical dance schools.
Alte Musik und Historischer Tanz in Frankreich von Mittelalter bis Rokoko
Deutsche Version - English version below
Tänze aus Arenas Tanzbuch - Bassedanse und Branle, Tanzworkshop mit französischen Tänzen des 15./16. Jh., Leitung: Jadwiga Nowaczek
De la arte di ballare et danzare, Italian Dancing from the Fifteenth Century
The program will be published as soon as possible
Contact: Summerschool@dhds.org.uk
University of Chichester
Joan Walton has been teaching at Vintage and Historical dance workshops nationally and internationally since 1991. Her work encompasses choreographing for operas at the College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati, with six of them winning 1st place at the National Opera Awards. She also creates choreography for Vintage dance performing companies, including Watch Your Step in Denver, and Danse Libre in the Bay Area. Musical theatre productions, particularly those with a Vintage or Tap dance focus, are another specialty.
Sandra Noll Hammond is recognized internationally for her ability to "bring the past to life" through her research, publications, performances, and classes in which she traces the historical development of ballet technique. As guest artist, she has presented her unique investigations of early 19th-century ballet technique and repertory in many European ballet centers as well as in Canada, Mexico, and throughout the U.S.
A total immersion in historical dance
from the 15th through 20th centuries.
Classes will cover both social and theatrical dance forms, and will draw an intersection of professional,
academic and social dancers. In addition, the week offers a comprehensive track of the essential
dances from each era — including etiquette and deportment — for educators who wish to
teach a comprehensive course in historic dance, or those wanting a thorough introduction to a new era of historic dance.
Stanford University
mobil 0162-6032274
Biennial Conference 2010
Dance and Heritage: Creation, Re-creation and Recreation
Sat 20th & Sun 21st March 2010 St Albans
The influence of heritage on dance creation through the centuries, e.g. the humanist, chivalric or classical influences on Renaissance choreographies; classical mythology and masques and ballets de cour; classical influences on 18th century dance creations; the influence of the 18th century on late 19th/early 20th century dance school choreographers...