
If you have ever wanted to be a part of the many forms of social and theatrical dance that existed in the world during the Baroque period, this is the course for you. The term Baroque Dance is often used in reference to the French noble dance style and technique of the late 17th and early 18th-centuries.




+1 203-300-2074
I am co-founder and director of Go Inspired. We offer courses in yoga, dance, theatre, English & Surf and volunteering. read more read more
Inizia a lavorare nel 1987 con la danza contemporanea, Martha Graham vedendolo ballare una sua coreo-grafia Primitive Misteryes, gli da una borsa di studio per... read more


+1 203-300-2074
12 Whippoorwill Road
06801 Bethel
United States

Du XVe siècle à la Renaissance, nous connaissons essentiellement la danse de cour. Bien danser, savoir chanter et jouer d’un instrument permettaient de tenir avec grâce et dignité son rang dans la société. La Renaissance en musique et en danse est caractérisée par l’introduction dans le registre courtois de formes et d’éléments populaires. C’est ainsi qu’une part importante est accordée aux rondes, facteur de convivialité et de cohésion sociale.




06 74 36 51 48
Bassa Toscana L’association Bassa Toscana a été créée fin 2000. Elle a établi son siège à Auxerre, en Bourgogne, pour mettre en valeur le patrimoine et l’... read more


06 74 36 51 48
23 rues des Grands Champs Laborde
89000 Auxerre

English version

This year the course will explore the early 15th century—dance forms which were in existence already in the late 1300s in music, images (for ex. Giotto, Lorenzetti) and literature (Boccaccio).  The choreographies will be based on a study of these sources and the contemporary dance-types: rounds, open chains and serpentines, couples dancing in processionals and solo saltarello dances.  Recent texts by musicologists and other specialists will be discussed. 

The first balli by Domenico of Piacenza and Guglielmo Ebreo will also be learned.




English Lieven Baert began his career in 1981 in Ghent, Belgium, and has studied with Elizabeth Aldrich, Ingrid Brainard, Angene Feves, Andrea Francalanci,... read more
tel./fax ++39 06 687 3131
Barbara Sparti is a dance historian specialized in 15th-17th century Italian dance. She founded and directed the company Gruppo di Danza Rinascimentale (1975 -... read more


(+39) 06 321 08 06
via Col di Lana, 7 C.P. 6159
00195 Roma

Ore 18.30

Performance di danza e musica antica con Marco Bendoni, Letizia Dradi, Bruna Gondoni liuto e tiorba, Emilio Bezzi

Ore 20.00

Cena e proiezione video ‘A.D.A. 2003-2013


Cari soci e amici,

con piacere v’inoltriamo quest’invito speciale al festeggiamento del Decennale A.D.A., al quale spero aderirete in tanti.

Ringraziamo fin d’ora tutti coloro che hanno reso possibile quest’evento e soprattutto i nostri docenti e musicisti che si sono resi disponibili per la performance prevista.

Palazzo Bocconi

Corso Venezia 48


English LETIZIA DRADI took her first steps in ancient dance in 1992. She studied Palaeography and Musical Philology at the University of Cremona, Italy,... read more
Inizia a lavorare nel 1987 con la danza contemporanea, Martha Graham vedendolo ballare una sua coreo-grafia Primitive Misteryes, gli da una borsa di studio per... read more
Bruna Gondoni dirige la Compagnie de Danse Renaissance Italienne Il Ballarino fondée par Andréa Francalanci. Elle a dansé avec la Compagnie Ris et Danceries et... read more



Retrouvez-nous dans le cadre magnifique du Château de la Colaissière à partir de 20h00.

Franchissez les portes du temps et laissez vous guider par le maître à danser et ses musiciens qui vous feront découvrir les danses anciennes. Venez passer une soirée au XVIe siècle où la vue, l’ouïe, l’odorat et le goût seront comblés : costumes, musiques, instruments, épices, mets, hypocras.

Tarif :

- FORMULE WEEK-END: de 140 à 160€ par personne, comprenant :

*accueil en musique

*cours de danse 

*Buffet et bal renaissance (animé par des musiciens)

Château de la Colaissière

37, rue du Calvaire
49270 Saint Sauveur de Landemont


06 07 14 08 08
1 impasse des cordelles
49124 Saint Barthélemy d’Anjou

a revival of Vatican Renaissance

7th edition of Gala Nocturna: Saturday March 30, 2013.

Join the most beautiful neo-romantic ball in the world! This year for the 7th time, in a fantastic Baroque church in the center of Antwerp, Belgium. Wonderful acts, heavenly music, special drinks and, above all, hundreds of magnificently dressed visitors from all over Europe.
Be part of this extaordinary evening and pass the doors to a unique and magical world!



Kammenstraat 81
2000 Antwerpen


Viona ielegems Some people say ... "Mistress of fantasy & queen of mysterious worlds." "Thousands of fans across the globe are watching closely how Viona... read more
English Lieven Baert began his career in 1981 in Ghent, Belgium, and has studied with Elizabeth Aldrich, Ingrid Brainard, Angene Feves, Andrea Francalanci,... read more


Heinrichshorst 1
39326 Rogätz

11:00 - 1:30 pm Classes begin with a lively warm-up and move on to beautiful dances, from playful branles to the stately pavan and the lively galliard. Barbara teaches steps clearly and chooses dances to suit the abilities of her students. (Elementary Baroque Dance Classes are taught in the afternoon)

The Place

Flaxman Terrace
United Kingdom


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
3 Thornhill Square
N1 1BQ London
United Kingdom

11:00 - 1:30 pm Classes begin with a lively warm-up and move on to beautiful dances, from playful branles to the stately pavan and the lively galliard. Barbara teaches steps clearly and chooses dances to suit the abilities of her students. (Elementary Baroque Dance Classes are taught in the afternoon)

The Place

Flaxman Terrace
United Kingdom


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
3 Thornhill Square
N1 1BQ London
United Kingdom

11:00 - 1:30 pm Classes begin with a lively warm-up and move on to beautiful dances, from playful branles to the stately pavan and the lively galliard. Barbara teaches steps clearly and chooses dances to suit the abilities of her students. (Elementary Baroque Dance Classes are taught in the afternoon)

The Place

Flaxman Terrace
United Kingdom


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
3 Thornhill Square
N1 1BQ London
United Kingdom