
On July 28, 2013 we organize a special performance, dedicated to memory of Barbara Sparti. The event will be a commencement of the fourteenth 'Cracovia Danza' Court Dance Festival. The show will present choreographies created and developed by Barbara Sparti, both for the 'Cracovia Danza' Court Ballet and for the 'Cracovia Danza' Court Dance Festival.

A multimedia projection, devoted to her person, will be displayed during the performance.

Villa Decius / Willa Decjusza

Ul. 28 Lipca 17a (28 Lipca 17a Street)
30-233 Krakow


(12) 421 08 36
Romana Agnel has dedicated her whole life to dance. She is an art historian, but she is also professionally engaged in dancing, making choreographies and what... read more
(12) 421 08 36
The 'Cracovia Danza' Court Ballet (formely known as “Ardente Sole”) is a Municipal Institution of Culture in Kraków, which is proud to be the only professional... read more


(12) 421 08 36
Plac na Groblach 7 (1st floor) (1st floor)
31-101 Kraków Kraków

I just got the sad news, that Barbara Sparti the "Grand dame" of the early dance has died on Monday, 17 June 2013 in Rome.

For the very beginning of my engagement in early dance in 1993, I always heard her name in many contexts. She was a teacher and a researcher. I always enjoyed receiving her kind mails with the Urbino announcements. And her presentations at the Rothenfels Dance Symposiums in 2008 and 2012, where she gave lectures about her newest research results regarding the Santucci manuscript.

Le Master Class si delineano sotto forma di incontri individuali, di coppia o in trio, in cui i parteci-panti approfondiscono lo studio della tecnica e dello stile di brani coreografici da loro proposti, tratti dal repertorio italiano dal XV al XVII secolo e/o francese del XVII e XVIII secolo. 

Villa Puccini di Scornio loc. Scornio

Via Dalmazia 365
51100 Pistoia


GLORIA GIORDANO – RESUME She has a degree in Pedagogy and graduated from the National Academy of Dance in Rome, where she has taught Dance Theory from 1986 to... read more


Via Dalmazia 365
51100 Pistoia

The Baroque Academy is already the second edition of a series of Baroque dance workshops organized by the Cracovia Danza Court Ballet in collaboration with the French Académie de Saison Sablé of thel’Eventail Baroque Dance Company which is engaged in educating professional dancers from France and around the world.




(12) 421 08 36
The 'Cracovia Danza' Court Ballet (formely known as “Ardente Sole”) is a Municipal Institution of Culture in Kraków, which is proud to be the only professional... read more


(12) 421 08 36
Plac na Groblach 7 (1st floor) (1st floor)
31-101 Kraków Kraków

Bejahrt nun dreiundzwanzig schon, dies feiern wir im Freundeskreise. Getanzet wird mit edler Pracht gar froh gescherzt und conversiert, beim Jahresfest Euch wohl lustiert, für Euch bereit’ sind Trank und Speise. So machet Euch nun auf die Reise. Ihr herzlich uns willkommen seid - hereinspaziert, Ihr ehrbar Leut!

Ein herzliches Hallo an alle Freunde von TRABUCCHETTO!

Am 05. Oktober 2013 feiern wir den 23. Geburtstag von Trabucchetto mit einem Renaissanceball in der Zehntscheuer in Stuttgart-Plieningen 

Zehntscheuer Plieningen

Mönchhof 7
70599 Stuttgart


Trabucchetto, a dance group dedicated to Renaissance Court Dances read more read more


07485 983 444
Teuchelweg 11
72186 Empfingen


La 4ème édition du bal en costume de Chestnut, sera présidée par Christine Bayle et aura lieu à Paris le dimanche 26 mai de 13h00 à 20h00 à la salle des fêtes de la Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre à la Cité Internationale universitaire de Paris dans le 14ème 9 A Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris (RER B : Cité U ou Tram : Cité U ou Charléty).

Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre - Cité Internationale universitaire de Paris

9 A Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris
75014 PARIS



06 60 22 23 21
10 villa d'Este Tour Atlas 401
75013 PARIS

L’Humor Bizzarro

Intarsi di musica e danza antica

Courses, concerts and workshops
Organized by: Il Teatro della Memoria
12th edition – Rome (Italy) July 28th – August 4th, 2013
Artistic direction: Claudia Celi and Andrea Toschi

Scuola Popolare di Musica di Testaccio

Piazza Giustiniani 4/a


PAOLO DI SEGNI Born in Switzerland in 1960, Maestro Di Segni started his musical education following the Jaques-Dalcroze method. He specialized in historical... read more
  Claudia Celi specialized in Early Dance with Barbara Sparti, Francine Lancelot, Shirley Wynne, Angene Feves, Cecilia Grácio Moura. She teaches Dance History... read more
(+39) 328-3645555
Dance company legally incorporated in 1992. Promotes dance performance from Renaissance to 19th century. Organizes the early dance & music summer workshop... read more


(+39) 328-3645555
via Gradoli, 56
00189 Roma

Unser Ensemble setzt sich aus Laientänzern aller Alterstufen aus der Region zusammen.
Professionell ausgebildete Tänzer ergänzen unsere Tanzdarbietungen.
Das Ensemble steht unter der Leitung von Anna-Maria Avenius,  Sportlehrerin am Gymnasium und Tanzpädagogin.
Schon  während ihres Studiums waren Rhythmische Gymnastik und Tanz ihre Lieblingsfächer, in denen sie sich später neben ihrer Berufstätigkeit fortbildete -
Folklore, Jazz, Modern Dance und Tanzimprovisation waren dabei Schwerpunkte.

I Danzatori Palatini Ensemble für historischen Tanz e.V.

+49 6205 6598
Neckarstr. 10
68766 Hockenheim