All levels

Man sagt, die Nürnberger und die Ansbacher sind sich nicht grün. Schon vor 500 Jahren wurde auf beiden Seiten getrickst, getäuscht und taktiert. Ein geheimnisvolles Schatzkästlein entführt die Zuschauer in die Zeit, in der der Konflikt mit dem Verkauf der Nürnberger Burg seinen Anfang nahm.

Krafftscher Hof

Theresienstr. 7
90403 Nürnberg


0151 20478501
A performing group dedicated to Nuremberg's time of glamour in the 15th and 16th century: music and dance and tradition. read more read more


0151 20478501
Heuweg 25
91560 Heilsbronn

by Chestnut & Fantaisies Baroques 


Chestnut and Fantaisies Baroques welcome you from July 30 to August 4, 2018 to their fourth summer school of period dances in Normandy.


Le Tapis Vert 61320 Lalacelle France

61320 Lalacelle


06 60 22 23 21
Cécile Laye is Chestnut's artistic director.  She studied old dance forms in England with the Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society, Nonsuch History and Dance... read more
0033 6 89 84 99 34
Irène Feste and Pierre-François Dollé are both professional dancers and teachers specialized in historical dance and especially in french Renaissance, baroque... read more


06 60 22 23 21
10 villa d'Este Tour Atlas 401
75013 PARIS
    We are happy to announce the X anniversary of the International Festival of Historical Dance which will take place from 18 to 26 August 2018.    Within these 10 years, every August we danced together, learnt new dances and enjoyed each other’s company.    This year we want to offer you an amazing journey to Russia because the Festival will be dedicated to our history, traditions and dancing.        

They say, if you want to see European Russia you should go to St. Petersburg

but if you want to feel a truly Russian spirit you can feel it only in Moscow.





Our studio is a historic dance school, based on dances from the Middle Ages to the XX century. We are glad to present you all aspects of our school - from... read more
L'association Carnet de Bals a pour objet de faire revivre les fastes des grands bals du XIXe siècle, en particulier ceux des années 1814 à 1914. Membre du... read more


sibirskiy proezd 5-2

Tanzensemble ROSSINA in Hamburg, geleitet von Birte Hoffmann-Cabenda,wurde 1982 gegründet Die Gruppe ist altersmäßig gemischt, zur Zeit von 13 bis 86 Jahre. Neue Mitglieder sind uns stets willkommen.

Tanzgruppe Rossina

++49 4103 16364

Tänze zu auserwählt schöner Musik des 13.-15. Jh., ruhig bis beschwingt, von einfach bis nobel, aber stets natürlich bewegt; spielerisch - edel - vergnüglich:


Rimpferei  /  Titzel tatzel  /  Reyle Daunce  /  Hoy et hoe  /  Stampf unde klepf  /  'Quant je sui' (Machault)


Diesmal gibt es besonders viele, nämlich 4 Mitmach-Tänze "für jede Gelegenheit".

Eine einmalige Gelegenheit!

Diese Tänze werden voraussichtlich zum letzten Mal unterrrichtet.

Schloss Lenzburg




0041 32 489 25 82
Theatergasse 12
4500 Solothurn

A unique day for all who wish to immerse themselves in the Regency world of Jane Austen for a moment: Picnic - Performance - Party, all in period costume, if you wish, in authentic historical surroundings of an empire-style château, Čechy pod Kosířem near Olomouc, Czech  Republic.  Details at  View the invitation video at 

Čechy pod Kosířem chateau

Mánesova 1
798 58 Čechy pod Kosířem
Czech Republic

Plaisir Courtois celebrates her 40th anniversary with a gala-ball. There is a possibility to practice in the afternoon. Dinner is included. 

We hope to see you there!

Tickets are available on

De Postwagen, Tolbert

Hoofdstraat 53
9356 AV Tolbert


Historical Dance Group Plaisir Courtois (in Groningen, The Netherlands) is an enthoustiastic society that maintains historical dances, performed at the... read more

a Hartig Ensemble Summer School in picturesque Cesky Krumlov.

Jane Gingell and Konrad Przybycien teach Spanish Escuela Bolera Dance, and Helena Kazarova and members of the Hartig Ensemble teach Renaissance and Baroque dances in the Spanish Style.

The course takes place in the Study Centre of the Cesky Krumlov Castle complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

It begins on the Sunday evening with social dancing, followed by six-hour teaching days from the Monday to the Saturday.

The course will cater for all levels, with parallel classes.

Český Krumlov Study Centre

Český Krumlov Study Centre Castle No. 232
381 01 Český Krumlov
Czech Republic


+420 604314255
Helena Kazárová Helena Kazárová, Ph.D. specialises on the dance and movement culture of the past centuries both practically (reconstruction and re-enactement... read more
Jane specialises in Period Opera, Theatre and Dance. She is available as a stage director, choreographer, dance teacher and baroque gesture coach. She is also... read more
War and Peace – this exciting theme will accompany us in this year’s 19th edition of the ‘Cracovia Danza’ Court Dance Festival, which will take place from 22 to 29 July 2018 in Kraków. Cracovia Danza Ballet – the organiser of this world-renowned festival – is happy to announce many attractions, both artistic performances and workshop classes, which will be available this year.  




0033 (0)6 89 84 99 34
Pierre-François Dollé. Danseur, chorégraphe, pédagogue. Directeur artistique de la Cie Fantaisies baroques Après une formation pluridisciplinaire à l'Académie... read more
+33 01 42 49 08 42
Français Née en Espagne, Ana Yepes vit à Paris. Diplômée du Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Madrid, elle suit des cours d’analyse et d’harmonie avec... read more
GLORIA GIORDANO – RESUME She has a degree in Pedagogy and graduated from the National Academy of Dance in Rome, where she has taught Dance Theory from 1986 to... read more
+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more


(12) 421 08 36
Plac na Groblach 7 (1st floor)
31-101 Kraków Kraków
(12) 421 08 36
Plac na Groblach 7 (1st floor) (1st floor)
31-101 Kraków Kraków

Je vous attends Samedi 14 Avril  a Paris a l'ecole Paris Mambo, 48 Rue de la Gare de Reuilly , pour le Stage de danse du XlX siecle de 16.00h a 19.00 h au programme il y aura de très belles dances du repertoire du XIX siècle !!!Carla Favata

Paris Mambo

48 Rue de la Gare de Reuilly
75012 Paris



via Ferrovia 10
91026 Mazara del Vallo TP