All levels

Curso de Danza Renacentista para profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria

Centro de Profesores y Recursos de Cáceres

Calle Gómez Becerra, 6
10001 Cáceres


+34 619053032
MARÍA JOSÉ RUIZ MAYORDOMO Coreólogo, coreautor, docente e intérprete coreográfico y musical. Doctor en Teoría de las Artes (URJC – Facult. Ciencias Sociales y... read more


Curso de Danza Barroca - Suite de Danzas, para profesores de conservatorios de Música y Danza.

Centro de Profesores y Recursos de Cáceres

Calle Gómez Becerra, 6
10001 Cáceres


+34 619053032
MARÍA JOSÉ RUIZ MAYORDOMO Coreólogo, coreautor, docente e intérprete coreográfico y musical. Doctor en Teoría de las Artes (URJC – Facult. Ciencias Sociales y... read more


Quattrocento and Cinquecento as seen by Lieven Baert, Claudia Celi and Bruna Gondoni

Palestra Scuole Irnerio

via Mura di Porta Galliera 1/a


Bruna Gondoni dirige la Compagnie de Danse Renaissance Italienne Il Ballarino fondée par Andréa Francalanci. Elle a dansé avec la Compagnie Ris et Danceries et... read more
  Claudia Celi specialized in Early Dance with Barbara Sparti, Francine Lancelot, Shirley Wynne, Angene Feves, Cecilia Grácio Moura. She teaches Dance History... read more
English Lieven Baert began his career in 1981 in Ghent, Belgium, and has studied with Elizabeth Aldrich, Ingrid Brainard, Angene Feves, Andrea Francalanci,... read more


(+39) 340-2719343

Celebrating 200 years since the establishment of Wentworth Falls with a Regency Weekend of activities. Dance workshop and Assembly Ball with supper on Sat 31 October, also optional walk of the Charles Darwin track, Regency card games, Talk by Lorna MacKenzie on Fashion in a time of Revolution. Sunday 1st November tour historic Tarella cottage, with morning tea and talk by Mike Crowther on Australia's first returned serviceman,followed by Picnic at Wentworth Falls lake, with costumed promenade.

Wentworth Falls School of Arts

Great Western Highway
2782 Wentworth Falls

The popularity of the historical novels of Sir Walter Scott (a contemporary and favourable reviewer of Jane Austen) gave rise to costumed balls to which guests would come dressed as characters from his novels (his first in 1814 entitled ‘Waverley’) and groups of friends would try and costume to the same theme for the opening quadrille. Soon any historical dress was acceptable and Waverley balls were even being held in Australia and New Zealand.

Albert Hall

100 Commonwealth Ave
2600 Yarralumla


(02) 62811098
Aylwen has 25 years experience in historic social dance, as a professional event organiser and arts administrator, tour director, dance performer and as a... read more
(02) 62811098
Dr John Gardiner-Garden is a dance teacher, researcher, performer, leader, choreographer, organiser and musician (on hurdy-gurdy, border pipes and wooden flute... read more
(02) 62811098
Performing group dedicated to Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Regency, Victorian and Vintage Dance. Classes offered weekly at the Australian National University... read more


(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street
ACT 2600 Yarralumla

Enjoy a smorgasbord of food, guest musical and dance performances and lots of participation. Enjoy candle-lit tables and joining-in on all the 18th century dances previewed in the daytime workshops, dances of the kind enjoyed at a Bath Assembly or Paris Opera bal public. 

Appropriate dress is Georgian, Regency/Napoleonic or formal. Calling is in English by John Gardiner-Garden. Daytime dance classes offered at

Albert Hall

100 Commonwealth Ave
2600 Yarralumla


(02) 62811098
Aylwen has 25 years experience in historic social dance, as a professional event organiser and arts administrator, tour director, dance performer and as a... read more
(02) 62811098
Dr John Gardiner-Garden is a dance teacher, researcher, performer, leader, choreographer, organiser and musician (on hurdy-gurdy, border pipes and wooden flute... read more
(02) 62811098
Performing group dedicated to Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Regency, Victorian and Vintage Dance. Classes offered weekly at the Australian National University... read more


(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street
ACT 2600 Yarralumla

Enjoy Jane Austen / Napoleonic War period dances at the grandest historic ballroom in Canberra, the capital city of Australia. The EDHDA players will join forces with the Aeolus wind trio to offer an exquisite dance experience—including some period dances set to period music by Beethoven and a reprise of last festival's hit dance for 128 dancers, ‘The Battle of Waterloo’.

Albert Hall

100 Commonwealth Ave
2600 Yarralumla


(02) 62811098
Aylwen has 25 years experience in historic social dance, as a professional event organiser and arts administrator, tour director, dance performer and as a... read more
(02) 62811098
Dr John Gardiner-Garden is a dance teacher, researcher, performer, leader, choreographer, organiser and musician (on hurdy-gurdy, border pipes and wooden flute... read more
(02) 62811098
Performing group dedicated to Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Regency, Victorian and Vintage Dance. Classes offered weekly at the Australian National University... read more


(02) 62811098
87 Schlich Street
ACT 2600 Yarralumla

Silvester auf Burg Gaillenreuth

Mit historischen Tänzen ins neue Jahr.

Burg Gaillenreuth

Burggaillenreuth 5
91320 Ebermannstadt


freier Dozent für Tanz & ÄsthetikDiplomdesigner -Tanzmeister, Choreograph, Eventmanager, historischer Tänzer von Mittelalter bis Empire/RegencySeit mehr... read more


Burggaillenreuth 5
91320 Ebermannstadt
Helmplatz 1 Humbser Palais
90762 Fürth

L'ALLEMANDE, Entrée de ballet pour un homme et une femme, danse nouvelle
de la composition de Monsieur Pécour, 1702

Nous poursuivrons l'apprentissage de cette danse originale par son
traitement de l'espace et ses bras spécifiques.

Stage à Micadanses, les :
Samedi 10 octobre 2015, 10h-13h, May B
Dimanche 11 octobre 2015, 10h-13h, Noces

Cie Fantaisies Baroques
Irène Feste et Pierre-François Dollé, Directeurs artistiques

Studio Micadanses

15 rue Geoffroy-l´Asnier
75004 Paris


0033 6 89 84 99 34
Irène Feste and Pierre-François Dollé are both professional dancers and teachers specialized in historical dance and especially in french Renaissance, baroque... read more


An diesem Nachmittag können Sie einige gesellige Gruppentänze (Country Dances, Cotillon u.a.)  aus de Zeit um 1800 kennen lernen. Das ist die Epoche, in der die junge Prinzessin Juliane zu Hessen-Kassel (1773 - 1860), die spätere Äbtissin des adeligen Klosters in Itzehoe, gelebt hatte. Von 1810 bis 1860 hatte sie ihren Wohnsitz im Prinzeßhof.

Der Workshop dauert ungefähr 3 1/2 Stunden und richtet sich auch an Teilnehmer, die noch keine besonderen Erfahrungen mit historischen Tänzen haben.

Getanzt werden wird in dem schönen Ballsaal im Prinzeßhof!

Kreismuseum Prinzeßhof Itzehoe

Kirchenstr. 20
25524 Itzehoe
