
Eine musikalisch-tänzerische Spurensuche nach einer verschwundenen Oper: Von Monteverdis „Arianna“ kennen wir noch zwei Fragmente – aber von welcher Qualität! Und Purcells „Ariadne“ ist komplett untergegangen, geistert nur in ihrem Echo durch sein spä­ tes Werk. Der Schöpfer der ersten wirklich großen Oper „Orfeo“, der göttliche Claudio, und der britannische Orpheus Henry Pur­ cell: Sie bilden die Eckpfeiler der Rothenfelser Barock-Kultur 2015.

Burg Rothenfels

97851 Rothenfels


0049 30 79700844
Niels Badenhop's Interesse für das Barockzeitalter begann in seiner Jugend in der Rokokoresidenzstadt Ansbach, wo er im Ambiente einer Fürstenresidenz das... read more
++49 (0)5262/994912
Gambenbauer und Restaurator von Streichinstrumenten, Studium historische Aufführungspraxis bei N. Harnoncourt, Leiter der „Akademie Burg Sternberg“. read more read more
English Lieven Baert began his career in 1981 in Ghent, Belgium, and has studied with Elizabeth Aldrich, Ingrid Brainard, Angene Feves, Andrea Francalanci,... read more


(++49)09393 99999
97851 Rothenfels

The 16th edition of “Cracovia Danza” Court Dance Festival organized by Cracovia Danza Court Ballet and „Ardente Sole” foundation will be held in Cracow on 26th July - 2nd August. The main theme will be Grotesque and comedy in court dance.



Performer, Teacher

(12) 421 08 36
Romana Agnel has dedicated her whole life to dance. She is an art historian, but she is also professionally engaged in dancing, making choreographies and what... read more
+33 01 42 49 08 42
Français Née en Espagne, Ana Yepes vit à Paris. Diplômée du Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Madrid, elle suit des cours d’analyse et d’harmonie avec... read more
+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more


(12) 421 08 36
Plac na Groblach 7 (1st floor) (1st floor)
31-101 Kraków Kraków

Stage Di Danza Rinascimentale Condotto Da Marco Bendoni

spazio Oasi - Via Varese, 12 - Milano
mm Moscova (linea Verde)
domenica 15 Marzo 2015 Dalle 10.00 Alle 13.00
e Dalle Ore 14,00 Alle 17,00

€. 70,00 Con Un Minimo Di 8 Partecipanti

(per Chi Partecipa Anche Al Seminario Di Danza Sacra Di Sabato
pomeriggio 14 Marzo 2015 È Prevista Una Riduzione Di 10 Euro)
per Informazioni Ed Iscrizioni Contattare:

Spazio Oasi

Via Varese, 12
20121 Milano


Inizia a lavorare nel 1987 con la danza contemporanea, Martha Graham vedendolo ballare una sua coreo-grafia Primitive Misteryes, gli da una borsa di studio per... read more


Renaissancetanzabend mit Freydanz

Tänze der Renaissance und des Barock – zum Anschauen und Mittanzen

Großer Lindensaal Markkleeberg

Rathausplatz 1
04416 Markkleeberg


Der Verein freydanz gründete sich 2007 aus den Renaissancetanzkursen der Universität Leipzig. Inzwischen engagieren sich 31 Mitglieder - vom Lehrling bis zum... read more

Kurs 1 (AnfängerInnen & leicht Fortgeschrittene) 

Freitag 18.00 - 19.30


Kurs 2 (Fortgeschrittene & Auftrittsgruppe)

Freitag 19.30 - 21.00/ 21.30

Tanzstudio Baladin

Stresemannstr. 374
22761 Hamburg


040-236 83 75
Performing dancing group lead by Catrin Smorra read more read more


Heschredder 92
22335 Hamburg

Conferencia - Taller sobre la moda española desde el punto de vista coreográfico: su influencia sobre el movimiento y las relaciones entre intérpretes coreográficos durante el Renacimiento en la Península Ibérica y Territorios pertenecientes a las coronas de Castilla y Aragón.


Pautas para la elección y confección de indumentaria.

Trabajo con indumentaria femenina (verdugos, sayas, calzado)


Centro Cívico "El Campilo"

Hostieros nº 1
47004 Valladolid

Teacher, Organizer

Asociacion Cultural dedicada a la música, canto y danza medieval, del Renacimiento e Histórica. read more read more
+34 619053032
MARÍA JOSÉ RUIZ MAYORDOMO Coreólogo, coreautor, docente e intérprete coreográfico y musical. Doctor en Teoría de las Artes (URJC – Facult. Ciencias Sociales y... read more


Tierra 3 bis b izqda
47009 Valladolid

L'Humor Bizzarro
Intarsi di musica e danza antica
14th Edition  –  Rome (Italy) 26 July-2 August 2015

Courses, concerts & seminars organized by
Associazione Il Teatro della Memoria
(artistic direction: Claudia Celi and Andrea Toschi)
Location: Scuola Popolare di Musica di Testaccio

Scuola Popolare di Musica di Testaccio

Piazza Giustiniani 4/a


PAOLO DI SEGNI Born in Switzerland in 1960, Maestro Di Segni started his musical education following the Jaques-Dalcroze method. He specialized in historical... read more
  Claudia Celi specialized in Early Dance with Barbara Sparti, Francine Lancelot, Shirley Wynne, Angene Feves, Cecilia Grácio Moura. She teaches Dance History... read more
(+39) 328-3645555
Dance company legally incorporated in 1992. Promotes dance performance from Renaissance to 19th century. Organizes the early dance & music summer workshop... read more


(+39) 328-3645555
via Gradoli, 56
00189 Roma