Everyone is welcome to attend our Jane Austen Cotillion Ball in Canberra, the capital city of Australia, on Sunday 21 April as part of Jane Austen Festival Australia. Tickets are on sale at http://www.janeaustenfestival.com and will sell out, so purchase as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Ball attendees are invited to attend daytime dance workshops in preparation for the ball on Friday and Saturday, and to also attend the Grand Napoleon Ball on Saturday 20 April 2013.
All levels
Everyone is welcome to attend our Grand Napoleon Ball in Canberra, the capital city of Australia, on Saturday 20 April as part of Jane Austen Festival Australia. Tickets are on sale at http://www.janeaustenfestival.com and will sell out, so purchase as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Ball attendees are invited to attend daytime dance workshops in preparation for the ball on Friday and Saturday, and then to attend the Jane Austen Cotillion Ball on Sunday 21 April 2013.
St Johns Anglican Church, Constitution Avenue, Reid, Canberra, Australia
Step back in time away from tv, radio and mobile phones to an early 19th Century Australian Caves House. Join in daily morning dance workshop, explore caves, rest or join in costume workshops in the afternoon, and attend costume balls in the evening after dinner. All music for the workshops and balls is provided by professional musicians. This costumed event is open to only 40 participants and tickets are on sale already.
Yarrangabilly Caves House, Mt Koziusko, NSW, Australia
Step back in time and join Aylwen and John Gardiner-Garden of the Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy for a historical costume and dance tour of England this September. We have space for 15 guests to join us on tour around London and South-West England. The tour includes all accommodation & breakfast; entry to balls, museums, manor houses, palaces and exhibitions; 7-day travel card in London; entry to dance and costume workshops; private coach travel in Wiltshire; and more.
Performer, Teacher
7.15 p.m.
Professor Duncan-Jones of Somerville College, Oxford, will take her audience through the active career of William Kemp, famous for "dancing to Norwich". His roles in plays by Shakespeare and others will be discussed, as well as the likely extent of his career post 1600. Professor Duncan-Jones has been widely published on Sidney and Shakespeare and is currently working on Elizabthan foold and foolery.
This lecture is free to members and non-members alike. For further information, please contact:
Sharon Butler (020 8699 8519) or Barbara Segal (0207700 4293)
The Art Workers Guild
Atelier de danses du Premier Empire, vendredi 21 décembre de 19h à 22h à Micadanses, 15 rue Geoffroy l'Asnier 75004 Paris, studio So Schnell.
Pour ce dernier atelier avant les fêtes de Noël, nous travaillerons des traits nouveaux pour les figures du quadrille, des passes d'Allemande de Dubois et nous peaufinerons la Montférine de Colinet.
Vous serez prêts à danser pour le Réveillon !
Studio Micadanses
Ich hoffe, dass viele von Euch im Januar
die nur kurze Spanne des Karnevals mit mir
zu einem sehr ausgiebigen Tanzboden am 13.1. nutzen.
Dazu möchte ich Euch schon jetzt
in den Genossenschaftssaalbau,
Nürnberg, einladen.
Eine Oper der Verzögerungen, Verwicklungen und Ueberraschungen aller Art zur Hochzeit von Ludwig XIV. mit Maria Theresia von Spanien, Paris 1662 mit der Musik von Francesco Cavalli und den Balletten von Jean-Baptiste Lully
Es gibt eine Klasse für Barocktanz für geübte mit Bernd Niedecken, eine Klasse für Neu-undQuereinsteiger mit Jadwiga Nowaczek, Sologesangsklassen mit Barbara Ebel und Florian Mehltretter, Cembalo Continuo mit Markus Rupprecht, Chor und Vokalensemble mit Bernhard Falk und Orchester mit Walter Waidosch und Verena Kronseder.
Landesbildungszentrum Schloß Zell an der Pram
Atelier de danse Baroque : vendredi 7 décembre de 19h à 22h à Micadanses 15, rue Geoffroy l'Asnier 75004 Paris, studio So Schnell.
Après un échauffement dans la détente au sol, nous travaillons tous les pas et séquences qui nous permettent d'interpréter les danses du répertoire baroque.
Pour cet atelier, nous travaillerons la Pavane des Saisons de Pécour en mettant l'accent sur la précision de l'exécution et les nuances rythmiques à mettre en relation avec la dynamique des pas.
Vous êtes les bienvenus, le cours est ouvert à tous les niveaux.
Studio Micadanses
Atelier de danses du Premier Empire, vendredi 30 novembre de 19h à 22H à Micadanses, 15 rue Geoffroy l'Asnier 75004 Paris, studio So Schnell.
Nous apprendrons la Montférine de Colinet et deux nouvelles passes d'Allemandes de Dubois.
Au plaisir de vous y retrouver !