
Dances from the 14th century, e.g. Domenico di Piacenza

Tänze des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts, für Kinder und Jugendliche

Musik-Akademie der Stadt Basel

Leonhardstr. 6


++49 (0)7621 792302
Barbara Leitherer wurde in Bamberg geboren. Den ersten Musikunterricht erhielt sie mit drei Jahren. Während der Schulzeit am musischen Gymnasium war die Orgel... read more
Véronique is renowned for her work on 15th Century Italian dance. She holds a diploma in Ancient Music from the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Introduced to the... read more


+41 61 264 57 57
Leonhardstr. 6

22nd February, 15th March, 5th April 2014

A programme of dances from original sources which celebrate the rulers, castles and culture of the northern Italian courts 1450–1500. No previous knowledge of fifteenth centry dances is needed, but some dance experience would be beneficial.

See also

Brickhill Community Centre Upper Hall

Avon Drive
MK41 7AF Bedford
United Kingdom


01234 401863
Hazel draws upon a diverse practice of dance, drama and theatre studies through production, performance, research and conference. She teaches and choreographs... read more


Die Landesregierung plant aus finanziellen Gründen, die Ausbildung in den Bereichen Orchester und Schulmusik in Mannheim und Trossingen abzuschaffen, was faktisch auf eine Schliessung der Hochschulen hinausläuft. 

An diesem Wochenende begeben wir uns auf eine imaginäre Reise zu den prachtvollsten Höfen, die das ausgehende Mittelalter kannte, ins Burgund eines Philipps des Guten und eines Karls des Kühnen, das mit seiner ins Höchste verfeinerten Hofkultur Vorbild für ganz Europa wurde, und nach Mailand, das dank seiner Condottieri  unter den Visconti und Sforza zur dominierenden Macht in Oberitalien aufgestiegen war. 

Evangelisches Bildungszentrum Hesselberg

Hesselbergstraße 26
91726 Gerolfingen


09854 / 10-0
Hesselbergstraße 26
91726 Gerolfingen





+41 (0) 79 586 31 09
  Bernhard Gertsch studierte Schauspiel, Tanz und Gesang und er bildete sich in Alter Musik und historischem Tanz in Basel (Schola cantorum) und Paris (L’Eclat... read more


+41 (0) 79 586 31 09
Early Dance & Commedia

L’Humor Bizzarro

Intarsi di musica e danza antica

Courses, concerts and workshops
Organized by: Il Teatro della Memoria
12th edition – Rome (Italy) July 28th – August 4th, 2013
Artistic direction: Claudia Celi and Andrea Toschi

Scuola Popolare di Musica di Testaccio

Piazza Giustiniani 4/a


PAOLO DI SEGNI Born in Switzerland in 1960, Maestro Di Segni started his musical education following the Jaques-Dalcroze method. He specialized in historical... read more
  Claudia Celi specialized in Early Dance with Barbara Sparti, Francine Lancelot, Shirley Wynne, Angene Feves, Cecilia Grácio Moura. She teaches Dance History... read more
(+39) 328-3645555
Dance company legally incorporated in 1992. Promotes dance performance from Renaissance to 19th century. Organizes the early dance & music summer workshop... read more


(+39) 328-3645555
via Gradoli, 56
00189 Roma

Knight fair “Alexandria’s Carousel” in Petergof has already become a tradition to many citizens of St.-Petersburg. Bright court feasts, fairy-tale atmosphere, unforgettable beauty of the Petergof parks are all creating the unique scent of holiday that differs the festival from most other “living history” events of the city and suburbs. If you have not decided yet how to spend the weekend on the 6–7th of July - surely come join us on the “Alexandria’s carousel”.



Petergof State Museum

Performer, Teacher

The Renaissance dance ensemble Vento del Tempo was formed in 2006 on base of XVI century Dance Group of Saint-Petersburg Historical Dance Club. Though our... read more

English version

This year the course will explore the early 15th century—dance forms which were in existence already in the late 1300s in music, images (for ex. Giotto, Lorenzetti) and literature (Boccaccio).  The choreographies will be based on a study of these sources and the contemporary dance-types: rounds, open chains and serpentines, couples dancing in processionals and solo saltarello dances.  Recent texts by musicologists and other specialists will be discussed. 

The first balli by Domenico of Piacenza and Guglielmo Ebreo will also be learned.




English Lieven Baert began his career in 1981 in Ghent, Belgium, and has studied with Elizabeth Aldrich, Ingrid Brainard, Angene Feves, Andrea Francalanci,... read more
tel./fax ++39 06 687 3131
Barbara Sparti is a dance historian specialized in 15th-17th century Italian dance. She founded and directed the company Gruppo di Danza Rinascimentale (1975 -... read more


(+39) 06 321 08 06
via Col di Lana, 7 C.P. 6159
00195 Roma

Due seminari con Barbara Sparti

19-20 gennaio 2013

Interpretazioni di Moresche della fine del Quattrocento
Interpretations of late-15th-century Moresche

23-24 febbraio 2013

Un’ipotesi coreografica
Tirsi e Clori di Claudio Monteverdi
Working on Choreography: Monteverdi’s Tirsi and Clori

Livello intermedio/avanzato

Le prenotazioni devono pervenire a gloria.giordano@fastwebnet.it

entro e non oltre il 5 gennaio 2013 per il primo seminario
entro e non oltre il 5 febbraio 2013 per il secondo seminario

White Cloud Studio

Via Tiepolo 13a


tel./fax ++39 06 687 3131
Barbara Sparti is a dance historian specialized in 15th-17th century Italian dance. She founded and directed the company Gruppo di Danza Rinascimentale (1975 -... read more

Due seminari con Barbara Sparti

19-20 gennaio 2013

Interpretazioni di Moresche della fine del Quattrocento
Interpretations of late-15th-century Moresche

23-24 febbraio 2013

Un’ipotesi coreografica
Tirsi e Clori di Claudio Monteverdi
Working on Choreography: Monteverdi’s Tirsi and Clori

Livello intermedio/avanzato

Le prenotazioni devono pervenire a gloria.giordano@fastwebnet.it

entro e non oltre il 5 gennaio 2013 per il primo seminario
entro e non oltre il 5 febbraio 2013 per il secondo seminario

White Cloud Studio

Via Tiepolo 13a


tel./fax ++39 06 687 3131
Barbara Sparti is a dance historian specialized in 15th-17th century Italian dance. She founded and directed the company Gruppo di Danza Rinascimentale (1975 -... read more