
Dances from the 14th century, e.g. Domenico di Piacenza

Dancers will work on two contrasting choreographies from the northern courts of Italy. Specific attention will be given to the display of Renaissance ideals through steps, style and embellishment.

10:00 Registration and coffee/tea
10:30 Workshop commences
17:00 Workshop finishes

ISTD Studios

346 Old Street
EC1V 9NQ London
United Kingdom


01234 401863
Hazel draws upon a diverse practice of dance, drama and theatre studies through production, performance, research and conference. She teaches and choreographs... read more


121 Queensway
BR4 9DT West Wickham
United Kingdom

In the prestigious setting of the Castello Estense in Ferrara Italian and foreign companies of ancient dance will recreate the magical atmosphere of the Court of Este. The exhibition pays homage to Renaissance Dance and Domenico da Piacenza, renowned master of this art.
The jury will be composed of qualified Renaissance Dance teachers, who will judge the best technical implementation, fidelity to the text and the clothing and hairstyles of the dancers.



with a series of day workshops from the Renaissance to the Roaring 20's

10.30 am – 12.30pm and 1.15pm - 3.30 pm


Renaissance to the Roaring 20's

This society was founded in 1981 and organises day courses led by experienced and qualified tutors. Background information in music, costume and history are provided as well as technique and dances.

Anyone interested in history, early music, ballet, amateur dramatics etc will find these workshops stimulating and fun.

St John's Church Hall

Opposite Sainsbury's
OX5 1EF Kidlington
United Kingdom


+44 29 2049 0680
Philippa Waite is well known as a performer and teacher of Baroque dance.  She studied with Wendy Hilton and taught for her at the annual Baroque Music and... read more

Mit dem aufkeimenden Handel und Reichtum entstand im Europa des 12., 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts eine faszinierende Hochkultur.
Das Spannungsfeld aus Glauben und Kulturen
spiegelt sich in der Kunst der Epoche wider.
Aus dieser Epoche sind uns einige Taenze überliefert, oft nur als Namen, in kurzen Textstellen, einigen Abbildungen und faszinierenden Musikstücken.
Vieles für diese Tänze muss man aus den etwas späteren Tänzen des Quatrocento entleihen.

Burg Gaillenreuth

Burggaillenreuth 5
91320 Ebermannstadt


freier Dozent für Tanz & ÄsthetikDiplomdesigner -Tanzmeister, Choreograph, Eventmanager, historischer Tänzer von Mittelalter bis Empire/RegencySeit mehr... read more


Helmplatz 1 Humbser Palais
90762 Fürth

The 14th ‘Cracovia Danza’ Court Dance Festival will be held between July 28th and August 4th 2013.

The ‘Cracovia Danza’ Court Dance Festival is a unique event on the cultural map of both Krakow and Poland, initiated by Romana Agnel, the Festival's Artistic Director. 

Court dance, theatre and music performed against the arresting background of the City's historic buildings is surely one of the best attractions Krakow has to offer to tourists, residents, lovers of court culture and audiences of all ages.



Performer, Teacher, Organizer

(12) 421 08 36
The 'Cracovia Danza' Court Ballet (formely known as “Ardente Sole”) is a Municipal Institution of Culture in Kraków, which is proud to be the only professional... read more


(12) 421 08 36
Plac na Groblach 7 (1st floor) (1st floor)
31-101 Kraków Kraków


27-28 ottobre 2012 (domenica 28 ore 16,00-19,00)
24-25 novembre 2012
26-27 gennaio 2013
16-17 febbraio 2013
23-24 marzo 2013
27-28 aprile 2013
18-19 maggio 2013
8-9 giugno 2013

Il laboratorio di DANZA DEL CINQUE E SEICENTO ITALIANO si rivolge a quanti hanno già esperienza nella danza antica e a chiunque desideri avvicinarsi per la prima volta allo studio della tecnica, dello stile e del repertorio coreografico desunto dai trattati di Fabritio Caroso, Il Ballarino e Nobiltà di dame, e di Cesare Negri, Le gratie d’amore.

White Cloud Studio

Via Tiepolo 13a


GLORIA GIORDANO – RESUME She has a degree in Pedagogy and graduated from the National Academy of Dance in Rome, where she has taught Dance Theory from 1986 to... read more

La Compagnie Outre Mesure est en convention pluriannuelle avec le Conseil Général de la Vendée. Elle reçoit des aides du Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire et, pour certaines de ses créations, du Ministère de la Culture - DRAC des Pays de la Loire.


Cours collectif
(niveaux différents par discipline)
• Danses de la Renaissance française, avec
Cecília Grácio Moura (Les Fêtes d’Hébé)
& Robin Joly (Compagnie Outre Mesure)
• Danses italiennes des XVe et XVIe siècles,
avec Véronique Daniels (Cie RenaiDanse)
• Danses espagnoles du XVIIe siècle,

Conservatoire de La Roche-sur-Yon

La Roche-sur-Yon


+33 01 42 49 08 42
Français Née en Espagne, Ana Yepes vit à Paris. Diplômée du Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Madrid, elle suit des cours d’analyse et d’harmonie avec... read more
Véronique is renowned for her work on 15th Century Italian dance. She holds a diploma in Ancient Music from the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Introduced to the... read more
English Cécilia Gracio-Moura studied at the National Conservatory of Lisbon. She holds the diplomas of Baroque Dance from Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society,... read more


0033 6 85 74 25 30
La Moulinette
85130 Tiffauges

13th April & 18th May 2013
More dances from the early Renaissance courts of 15th Century Italy from the new DHDS CD Ballare et Danzare.

All the workshops are intended for dancers with basic experience of historical dance.
There will be a break during the afternoon for tea and coffee.

Participants are advised to wear loose comfortable clothing and shoes with a soft, flexible sole.

Cost: £10 per workshop

See also http://www.dhds.org.uk/bedm/

Brickhill Community Centre Upper Hall

Avon Drive
MK41 7AF Bedford
United Kingdom


01234 214103
Anne Daye teaches and publishes widely on 16th - 19th century dance, with an extensive experience of leading summer schools and workshops. She is Lecturer in... read more


01234 853637
35 Haycroft c/o David Parsons
MK43 9PB Wootton Bedford
United Kingdom