

Workshop im Rahmen der 4. Internatioalen Barocktanztage in Potsdam



Dieser Tanz ist vorzüglich geeignet eine ganze Gesellschaft gleichzeitig zu unterhalten“, schrieb 1756 der Leipziger Tanzmeister Charles Pauli über die Contredanses anglaises. Ein junger Salzburger Hofrath und Freund der Mozarts notierte 1775 in sein Tagebuch: „Wir tanzten 3 Contredanses und 1 neuer Quadrille, es ware sehr lustig.“


14476 Potsdam



+49 (0)152 53171183
Niels-Bohr-Ring 19 14480
14480 Potsdam

Verehrte Mesdames et Messieurs,  Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,    Liebe Freunde des Barocktanzes und der Zeit Friedrich II. !

Seien Sie herzlich willkommen, wir haben wieder ein anspruchsvolles und abwechslungsreiches Programm rund um den Tanz und das höfische Leben im 18. Jahrhundert geplant!


14476 Potsdam

Performer, Teacher


Niels-Bohr-Ring 19 c/o Frank Ditzel
14480 Potsdam


10 a 12 : Danza Rinascimentale / Iniziazione-elementara – Bruna Gondoni

10 a 12 : Danza Spagnola de "El Siglo de Oro" / Mezzo-Avanzatoo - María José Ruiz Mayordomo      

Pausa di 30 min.

12.30 a 2.30 : Danza Barocca / Iniziazione-Elementare – Ludovica Mosca

12.30 a 2.30 : Danza Barocca / Mezzo- Avanzato - Teresa Alves


3.30 a 5.30 : Danza Rinascimentale / Mezzo-Avanzato – Bruna Gondoni

Escola LUTHIER dansa

C. Balmes, 53 baixos
08007 Barcelona


+34 619053032
MARÍA JOSÉ RUIZ MAYORDOMO Coreólogo, coreautor, docente e intérprete coreográfico y musical. Doctor en Teoría de las Artes (URJC – Facult. Ciencias Sociales y... read more
++34 607 831 833 ou ++33 681 340 680
Teresa is member of Barroc Ballet - a Catalonia based performing dancing group. read more read more
Bruna Gondoni dirige la Compagnie de Danse Renaissance Italienne Il Ballarino fondée par Andréa Francalanci. Elle a dansé avec la Compagnie Ris et Danceries et... read more


Telèfon: (+34) 93.451.31.38
C. Balmes, 53 baixos
08007 Barcelona

3:00 pm - 5:30 pm The class begins with a lively warm-up and moves on to steps and patterns designed for the abilities of Barbara's students. English Country Dances with baroque steps are included and opportunities are offered to move on to a more advanced level as you learn. Renaissance dance is taught in the morning.

The Place

Flaxman Terrace
United Kingdom


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
3 Thornhill Square
N1 1BQ London
United Kingdom

3:00 pm - 5:30 pm The class begins with a lively warm-up and moves on to steps and patterns designed for the abilities of Barbara's students. English Country Dances with baroque steps are included and opportunities are offered to move on to a more advanced level as you learn. Renaissance dance is taught in the morning.

The Place

Flaxman Terrace
United Kingdom


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
3 Thornhill Square
N1 1BQ London
United Kingdom

3:00 pm - 5:30 pm The class begins with a lively warm-up and moves on to steps and patterns designed for the abilities of Barbara's students. English Country Dances with baroque steps are included and opportunities are offered to move on to a more advanced level as you learn. Renaissance dance is taught in the morning.

The Place

Flaxman Terrace
United Kingdom


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
3 Thornhill Square
N1 1BQ London
United Kingdom

3:00 pm - 5:30 pm The class begins with a lively warm-up and moves on to steps and patterns designed for the abilities of Barbara's students. English Country Dances with baroque steps are included and opportunities are offered to move on to a more advanced level as you learn. Renaissance dance is taught in the morning.

The Place

Flaxman Terrace
United Kingdom


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
3 Thornhill Square
N1 1BQ London
United Kingdom

3:00 pm - 5:30 pm The class begins with a lively warm-up and moves on to steps and patterns designed for the abilities of Barbara's students. English Country Dances with baroque steps are included and opportunities are offered to move on to a more advanced level as you learn. Renaissance dance is taught in the morning.

The Place

Flaxman Terrace
United Kingdom


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
Barbara has many years of experience in baroque dance, both as performer and choreographer, as well as teacher. She has taught in Europe, the Baltic Countries... read more


+ 44 (0)20 7700 4293
3 Thornhill Square
N1 1BQ London
United Kingdom

Im Rahmen des Wedding-Seminars findet ein kostenfreier Sondertermin zum Kennenlernen historischer Tänze am 3.11.13 um 16-18 Uhr statt. Der Veranstaltungsraum findet sich im zweiten Stock des Hinterhauses und ist über die Türe zur rechten Seite auf dem zweiten Hof zu erreichen.


Sprengelstraße 15
13353 Berlin-Wedding


Wir beschäftigen uns mit allen historischen Tänzen, wenngleich die meisten uns aus Playford und Arbeau bekannt sind. Im Vordergrund steht der Spaß, auch wenn... read more


Die Kolping - Berufsbildungs gGmbH

In den Räumen des Schlosses Alteglofsheim lassen wir uns von barocken Bühnentänzen in eine vergangene Zeit entführen.
Wieder haben ich mich bemüht, Euch ein reichhaltiges Angebot rund um den Barocktanz zu bieten.
Das Thema ist diesmal

Bayerische Musikakademie Alteglofsheim

93087 Alteglofsheim


freier Dozent für Tanz & ÄsthetikDiplomdesigner -Tanzmeister, Choreograph, Eventmanager, historischer Tänzer von Mittelalter bis Empire/RegencySeit mehr... read more
(+49) 0761/37541
Evelyn JL Puefken, Freiburg, ist Tänzerin, Choreografin und Lehrerin für klassisches Ballett, modern dance, Historische Tänze und Tanz-Perkussionen/... read more


Helmplatz 1 Humbser Palais
90762 Fürth